Alle fünf Häuser des Netzwerks verstehen sich als Orte der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Leben und Werk Thomas Manns.
Welche Rolle spielen die lebenslangen Anliegen Thomas Manns in der heutigen Welt? Inwiefern können die Literatur und die politischen Haltungen der Familie Mann zum Nachdenken über die drängenden Fragen unserer Zeit anregen? Migration und Exil, Geschlechterfragen oder politisches Engagement und Demokratie sind nur einige der Themen, die für die Gegenwart von großer Relevanz sind. Unsere Häuser organisieren regelmäßig eine Reihe von digitalen und analogen Veranstaltungen zu diesen Themen und darüber hinaus. Besuchen Sie unseren Veranstaltungskalender und tauschen Sie sich mit uns in einem internationalen Kontext aus.
East-German Artistic Networks of the 1980s
Vortrag & Gespräch mit Stephanie Barron, Constanze Fritzsch und Isotta Poggi
Los Angeles
Das Getty Research Institute (GRI) und die Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House veranstalten gemeinsam einem Abend, der exklusive Einblicke in die umfangreiche Sammlung ostdeutscher Künstler:innenbücher aus den 1980er Jahren des Getty bietet. Nach einer Präsentation von Highlights aus der Sammlung werden die Kuratorinnen Stephanie Barron (LACMA) und Isotta Poggi (GRI) mit Kunsthistorikerin Constanze Fritzsch (Fulbright Fellow am GRI) ein Gespräch über die Sammlung und ihre Bedeutung für den zeitgenössischen transatlantischen Diskurs und die vergessene Geschichte Ostdeutschlands führen.
*Diese Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt*
In the last decade of the East German regime, artists wove dynamic networks to exchange art and ideas. They built alternative communication channels through artists’ books and magazines that together are a remarkable memory of the spirit of the time. Most of these publications (called samizdat for “self-published” in Russian) are collaborative projects of artists’ groups or collectives who produced small editions to circumvent censorship, while also to celebrate mutual friendship and solidarity in a playful atmosphere of experimentation.
As part of the Thomas Mann House annual topic "Democracy & Vulnerability," it is crucial to revisit and reconsider these artists. The independent artistic and cultural networks resonate with the debates of writers and artists in the Thomas Mann House who sought creative spaces while in exile and means of creating art outside of censorship. Los Angeles hosted the innovative exhibition “Art of Two Germanys ” organized by LACMA in 2009 and is home to the Wende Museum, which focuses on Cold War history. These resources provide an opportunity for dialogue on the past and the present about the artistic and existential debates that contributed to and shaped a period of historical reform and transformation. They can shed new light on East Germany’s forgotten (or ignored) history.
Join acclaimed curators and art historians Stephanie Barron, Constanze Fritzsch, and Isotta Poggi for a conversation on how these materials are vibrant witnesses of a generation who made art to find a voice.
By invitation only.
Stephanie Barron is Senior Curator and Modern Art Department Head at LACMA. She has received the Order of Merit, First Class and the Commander’s Cross from the German government in recognition of her work in the field of modern German art. Her exhibitions and publications have five times been voted the best in the United States by the International Art Critics Association, three times by the Art Museum Curators Association, and she has twice received the College Art Association’s Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award for best museum catalog.
Constanze Fritzsch is a Fulbright Fellow at the GRI. She holds a doctorate from the Catholic University in Eichstätt-Ingolstadt after getting her MA in art history from the University Paris Nanterre and her BA in art history from University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She has been on the academic staff at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden and the University of Leipzig and Dresden, and worked as a student assistant at the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art in Paris.
Isotta Poggi is associate curator of photographs at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles. Her collecting interests focus on the cultural history of photography from the nineteenth century through contemporary, as a medium for documentary and artistic practice, and as a narrative tool in albums, photobooks, and artists’ books. Drawing on the extensive archival holdings and special collections of the Getty Research Institute, she is currently directing the research project “On the Eve of Revolution: The East German Artist in the 1980s.”
Diese Veranstaltung ist eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Getty Research Institute und der Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House.